Monday, August 29, 2016

God's Grace

    There has been a lot of sass in the Price house this morning, so I need God's grace. I need His Spirit to be ever present in my day.  Did I seek Him first this morning? No.  I wanted to....but I didn't.  I think when we are consumed by our busyness or frustrations the first thought we have is to 'fix it' ourselves, rather than going to the One that can restore it all.
How can I stop myself in my tracks and shift the direction of my day?

    A way that I can seek the Lord is to focus on what the fruits of His spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. 

A few months back I went through these and defined them. I wanted to see the meaning of each of them and to truly understand how His fruits are in me. Even when I was having a bad day His Spirit was still within me, so I could still pull these out and be grace filled. As a believer in the Lord, His fruits are within you. Think about these things daily (all day).  

Is what I am saying, doing, or leading with, filled with the fruits of His spirit? If not, how can I shift my perspective of my day?  

I can thank Him for all of the blessings in my life. I can also thank Him that he is still there in my trials leading me gently with His hand and whispering in my ear.  I can praise Him because He is holy and worthy. I can ask Him to guide my steps throughout the entire day. To renew my mind and my heart, that they would reflect His goodness. That He would fill my speech with grace and love and that I would have the desire and self-discipline to tame my tongue. That anything displeasing to him would not leave my mouth.  

As we do this, we are allowing God to direct our steps and lead our way. And although this does not mean our day will be filled with gum drops and lollipops, it does mean that we are armed with His power. That we are focused and can conquer our day with the love of Christ. And if and when we fall, we can fully trust, his grace is sufficient for us. 